Monday, 26 November 2012

Amhurst Road wins a Hackney Design Award

We were delighted to receive a commendation at the Hackney Design awards last Thursday, for our mixed use scheme at Amhurst Road:

Hackney Design Awards- Amhurst Road

It was a great evening- the design quality of the other shortlisted schemes was very high, so we felt honoured to be included.

Stand out schemes included :
  • Waugh Thisteton's Tramshed refurbishment, which manages to re-imagine the space while retaining the character and atmosphere of the original building. They also serve monster steaks so worth a visit!
  • Make's Handball arena: We like the simple, bold articulation of forms and materials. I missed it at the Olympics, but the arena will soon be opening to the public so looking forward to a visit.
  • Amin Taha's 2 Ada St: Raw materials and uncompromising details create a space that is materially rich and stylish. Less is more!
There were some other interesting scheme's I've not yet seen- I'll be going to Hackney Marshes to see the new community hub, and the restoration of Clissold House in Stoke Newington

It's fantasitc and unusual that Hackney run these awards to celebrate good design in the borough, and to anyone at the ceremony there was a feeling that Hackney is an exciting and rapidly changing borough that is being regenerated through interesing modern design. This process is supported and even led by the council, with Hackney as client to many of the school schemes.

Other councils take note- regeneration is led by good design!

All photos @ Joel Knight

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